5 Gedanken zu „“

  1. ähh and google translator 🙂 … very funny

    1) Lisaks sellele nokitsen püssi kallal. – Zusätzlich zu der Pistole pinkeln. … pfuuii
    2) Täna kargasin siis ratta selga ning enne kodu poole tagasi ei keerand kui väsimus piinama hakkas. – Heute habe ich sprang aus dem Hinterrad, und vor dem Hause halb verrückt, mein Sohn kam nicht zurück, wenn die Müdigkeit begann sich Sorgen zu machen. … Sohn??? I have to update Wiki: Kadri Lehlta has a son…. How old is he??
    3) Mõnusa kaifi sain küll. – Ich bekam ein schönes hoch, während. …. ähm .. well… hmm .. only 3 word: very dirty translation

  2. right… where the hell this google takes these words anyway!?
    seems that i have 2 options:
    1) write only simple and correct words – no slang.
    2) English
    hmm… no the last one isn’t good. then will suffer some other people.

    anyway, google translator may be very funny but also misleading… and naughty 😛

    PS: as far as i know – i don’t have a son, yet 🙂

  3. Google is god. And if Google says you have a son, then you have a son! Yet! 😛

    As Sergio always writes: We have to learn Estonian. … well and you know my opinion: Use Estonian!! Is ok. And if I’m not able to understand, then I can ask 🙂 And you HAVE to answer 🙂

    The problem of google is, that often the meaning of a word depends on the other words. Translate word by word doesn’t work. Its a question of context. …

  4. If Google is god. And Google is the father of your son, than god is the father of your son … hmmm … this could be the explanation of the surprised birth of your son 🙂

    I think a good working universal translator only exists for Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. A blue big brain with flashing lights – somewhere behind the Milky Way


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