Live and let live

I’m strange, I’m different, I’m an odd duck. And that’s good so. I stand by it. 🙂 And yepp I’m a little bit proud of it. Please, never call my normal.

Is there a standard/ normal human being?

No, we all are different. Last week I was thinking about all the characters, that I have met in my life. Some have 1 or 2 similar characteristics, but all in all are we all different. The human being is complex with a lot of characteristics. I think there aren’t 2 equal persons. And every person, that I meet, shows me new characteristics of human beings or another mix of characteristics. There can’t be any standard human being. So everyone, who thinks he/she is normal and you are wrong, has no idea about human beings. Never listen to those persons! Don’t pay attention to the persons that look on you suspiciously only because you are not like them.

We all want to be respected/ accepted. And we have to respected/ accepted the others. I respect you and you respect me. Even if we have conflicting opinions and live our lives in different ways. Everyone should may live in the way like he/ she wants. For me there is only one rule: Respect life!!! Never hurt someone (deliberately). Never exploit someone. Never abuse someone. Never kill. Respect life!!! Apart from that do what you want. Be what you want.

Live and let live!

When I finished the school and started to work, I decided that I need a job, that allows me to stay as I’m. Ok that means that I never will be an official team leader or a manager. But why should I? I’m not an actor. I could never do that. Talking without saying anything. Manipulation. Lying. Selling a vacuum cleaner as an airplane. Always good looking. … Every time when I have to wear business clothes it feels like I’m a different person. Every time when I have to say, what others want to hear. Not me, not myself. Then I’m an actor – a puppet (but not a barbie). Then I’m not good. Then I don’t feel good. I’m good, when I can be as I’m. I’m a worker in the dirt with a free mind with free thoughts. Not a puppet of anyone or anything e.g. money. Not a robot.

I like the colorful world. I don’t like the social network groups, subcultures, where you only meet „similar“ persons. That’s boring. I want to meet different persons. I want to open my mind for new thoughts. Fame and honor, money, status symbols. I don’t need that… Real life. Life is a challenge. Life is hard and unfair. And colorful. That’s interesting. How people survive in the jungle called life. I like real persons, strange persons. Persons with soul. Think outside the box. Different opinions are important. Discussions are important. Without that we would stand still without personal development. And the good thing is, I don’t have to like everyone. And they don’t have to like me. There is no need to have the same opinions, the same way of life. Just another facet of life. A new lesson learned. The world is big enough for all of us.

Live and let live!

Black, White, Red, Brown, Yellow, …
Russian, German, Turk, American, French, Arabian, Chinese, Indian, …
Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu …
tall, short, thin, big, young, old, man, woman, sado, maso, hetero, homo, shy, extrovert, motormouth, man of few words, keen thinker, macho, barbie, rocker, rapper, stupid, intelligent, worker, manager, master, slave, co-product, mathematician, philosopher, teacher, confused mind …

Live and let live! The world is big enough for all of us.

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